Timing & trends

The Skeptical Investor – August Update

Produced by McIver Wealth Management Consulting Group

Mark Jasayko, CFA,MBA, Portfolio Manager with McIver Wealth Management of Richardson GMP in Vancouver.


Schiff: We’re Heading For A Crisis…..

BD call Crash 2008-2009….Worse Than 2007.

This predicition is coming from the man who successfully predicted the huge 54% 17 month Crash of 2008 when the Dow fell  from its its peak of 14164 on October 9, 2007 to 6469 on March 6, 2009.

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Schiff: We’re Heading For A Crisis Worse Than 2007


Washington is engaged in a massive “campaign” to make Americans believe the economy is in recovery.  But in reality the United States is at the brink of a devastating economic crash that will cause catastrophic market losses and impoverish millions.

Peter, the best-selling author and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital delivered this frightening warning to investors in a recent interview on CCTV.

“The problem with politicians is they don’t want to level with the voters and tell them how bad the economy really is and what the cure for the disease is,” Schiff said.

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The “disease” Schiff refers to is a toxic combination of our massive $16.4 trillion debt and the Fed’s continued devaluing of the dollar through its controversial 7-year long “easing” program.

The Fed is currently purchasing $85 billion a month in Treasury and mortgage bonds, a form of stimulus.

President Obama and like-minded politicians claim this stimulus has pushed the economy forward, boosting GDP and keeping inflation low.

But Schiff says “it’s another lie.” 

In fact, according to Schiff, the government has done nothing more than create a “phony” economy that is “completely dependent on the ability to borrow more money that we can’t pay back.”

“The Fed knows that the U.S. economy is not recovering,” Schiff said. “It simply is being kept from collapse by artificially low interest rates and quantitative easing. As that support goes, the economy will implode.”

“The crisis is imminent,” Schiff said. “I don’t think Obama is going to finish his second term without the bottom dropping out. And stock market investors are oblivious to the problems.”

Schiff charged Washington with cooking the books on its latest GDP and inflation figures.

He cites the government’s recent move to raise GDP 3% by including items never calculated before and that “no other country on the planet counts.” These include such intangibles costs and royalties from books, magazines iTunes song and movies.

The Financial Times reported this strange maneuver as the “U.S. Economy’s “Hollywood Makeover.”

“That’s what the government does,” Schiff said. “Whenever they don’t like the results, they change the methodology for calculating those results.”

“Maybe some of our creditors will be dumb enough to believe the hype,” Schiff added.

“The fact is, Schiff said.  “We’re broke. We owe trillions. Look at our budget deficit; look at the debt to GDP ratio, the unfunded liabilities. If we were in the Eurozone, they would kick us out.”

Schiff points out recent market gains, with the Dow topping 14,000 on its way to setting record highs, is yet another lie giving investors a false sense of security.

“It’s not that the stock market is gaining value… it’s that our money is losing value. And so if you have a debased currency… a devalued currency, the price of everything goes up. Stocks are no exception,” he said.

“I think we are heading for a worse economic crisis than we had in 2007,” Schiff said. “You’re going to have a collapse in the dollar…a huge spike in interest rates… and our whole economy, which is built on the foundation of cheap money, is going to topple when you pull the rug out from under it.”

A noted economist, Schiff has been a fierce critic of the Fed and its policies for years. And his warnings have proven to be prophetic.

In August 2006, when the Dow was hitting new highs nearly every day, Schiff said in an interview: “The United States is like the Titanic, and I’m here with the lifeboat trying to get people to leave the ship… I see a real financial crisis coming for the United States.”

Just over a year later, the meltdown that became the Great Recession began, just as Schiff predicted.

He also predicted the subprime mortgage bubble burst, nearly a year before the real estate market fully crashed.

His recent warnings, however, have been even more alarming. Will they also prove to be true?

In his most recent book, “The Real Crash” How to Save Yourself and Your Country“, Schiff writes that

when the “real crash” comes,” it will be worse than the Great Depression.

Unemployment will skyrocket, credit will dry up, and worse, the dollar will collapse completely, “wiping out all savings and sending consumer prices into the stratosphere.”

Schiff estimates this “cancer” could consume a trillion dollars from consumers this year.

“Today we’re the world’s greatest debtor nation. Companies, homeowners and banks are so highly leveraged, rising interest rates will be devastating.”

According to polls, the average American is indeed sensing danger. A recent survey found that 61% of Americans believe a catastrophe is looming – yet only 15% feel prepared for such a deeply troubling event.


Editor’s Note: As a service to Money Morning readers, we’ve arranged a way for you to get a copy of Peter Schiff’s new best-selling book, The Real CrashHow To Save Yourself And Your Country, for free, including shipping. The book shows in plain language exactly what economic dangers ordinary Americans face right now and how you can protect yourself. Please go here for your free copy.

Is Devastation The Ultimate Cure?

Despite its bleak outlook, Schiff’s book has become a real wake-up call for millions of readers.

While Schiff’s predictions can be grim, he also offers step-by-step solutions that average Americans can follow to protect their wealth, investments and savings.

According to Schiff, “the crash and what follows” can be beneficial. But only for those who understand beforehand what is happening and have time to prepare for the devastation.

“All we can do now is prepare for the crash,” Schiff said. “If we brace ourselves properly and control the impact, we will survive it.”

Editor’s Note: This sovereign currency and debt crisis is just a small part of the disease that’s attacking America from within. When interest rates rise – and they will rise soon – it could cost Americans $1 trillion this year. But it doesn’t have to affect you. For a limited time, Money Morning is supplying readers with a free copy of Peter Schiff’s new book “The Real Crash” How to Save Yourself and Your Country. Learn the steps you can take to prepare your wealth, investments and way of life for this looming catastrophe. Go here to secure a copy.

Your Most Important Gold & Silver Questions – Answered

I’m getting so many questions from readers that I’ve decided to devote this week’s column to answering the most important ones. So let’s get started.

Q: Larry, you were right as rain about gold. It crashed this year and came close to one of your targets at the end of June. Is the bottom here yet?

A: It’s too soon to say. But referring to the chart I presented last week, repeated here, as I had forewarned then, gold and silver should head lower almost chart1simmediately, into late August/early September.

And indeed, the latest rally early last week has failed, and now both gold and silver are moving lower again.

So the question now is whether gold will hold its previous low at $1,178, or move lower to test major support at the $1,050 to $1,070 level.

Silver’s major long term support lies between $15 and $17.

If gold closes below $1,295.80 and then $1,262.50, new lows will likely be seen heading into September. That would be the final low.

If silver closes below $18.51 — highly likely based on my trading models — then new lows will be seen in that metal as well.

If neither of the above occurs during the month of August, there’s an excellent chance gold will merely retest its prior lows, then start to take off to the upside. It’s also possible gold will hold its prior low while silver makes a new low, and then both will go to the upside.

Click for a larger version of the chart

In short, neither metal is out of the woods yet, but they are making some good headway at establishing what should prove to be major lows out of which the next leg up will begin.

Q: Why isn’t inflation a big problem now? Everyone is expecting it, and the world’s central banks have certainly printed trillions of dollars of paper money.

A: As I’ve said all along, printing money by itself is not inflationary if the majority of investors and consumers don’t want to spend or borrow money. That’s been the case for years now as consumers, investors and businesses — the private sector — all retrench.

In addition, you need an important shift in confidence by the private sector. Until recently, the private sector showed a lot of confidence in the public sector, government, to solve the financial crisis. So, trillions of dollars were plowed back into government securities for safety.

But as we’ve recently seen, the private sector is losing confidence in government. Hence, the bond market is now starting to crumble and interest rates are surging. The private sector is starting to yank its money away from government.

That’s evidence that confidence in government is now declining. As that progresses, inflation will indeed tick higher and all the central bank money printing that’s been going on will finally come home to roost.

That said, inflation is coming. It’s right around the corner. But do not bet on hyperinflation in the U.S. That’s not going to happen. Our bond markets are too big and too deeply liquid and our economy too large for it to experience Weimar- or Zimbabwe-like inflation. Anyone telling you otherwise does not know what they are talking about or they are simply out to scare you.

Q: Where do your war cycles stand?

A: Precisely as forecast, they are ramping up big time. You can see it all over the world, in Egypt, in Asia between China and Japan, in social unrest in Europe, and in the latest news that a record 83 percent of Americans polled are dissatisfied with Congress. That, plus the National Security Agency (NSA) spying on all Americans, is soon going to lead to massive social unrest in this country.

The war cycles point up all the way into 2021, so fasten your seatbelts.

Q: You’ve been forecasting that the U.S. stock market will take a moonshot to Dow 21,000 — even as high as 31,000 — over the next few years. Is that forecast still on target?

A: Absolutely. There is no doubt in my mind we will see the Dow move to at least 21,000 by 2016, and probably much higher. And not despite turmoil in the world, but because of it. The Dow and other blue-chip-type stocks can and often do act just like gold, as a safe haven for capital and as an inflation hedge.

But the Dow has not yet completely broken out to the upside. A sharp, swift correction is overdue. When that comes, I will be giving the signal to back up the truck for stocks. But not until then.

Q: JPMorgan was fined for manipulating the energy market. Are such manipulations routine, and are they present in gold and silver?

A: Yes, it is routine. The big investment bankers are always attempting to manipulate markets. But here’s the important point: Manipulations never, ever change the destiny of the markets. They don’t change the trend, and they certainly cannot reverse major trends. All they do is increase volatility.

So don’t buy into the excuses, for instance, that if it weren’t for some manipulation, gold or silver would never have crashed this year. That’s pure baloney put out by inexperienced traders and analysts, and by dealers who want to blame some outside force to get you to believe that gold and silver’s decline isn’t real, and that if you simply dive into the markets you’ll make money.

Those people — and there are a lot of them —are just trying to line their pockets with fat dealer premiums and commissions, and at your expense.

Q: Comex gold inventories are at or near record lows. Isn’t that bullish for gold?

A: Not necessarily. Think about it. Suppose you own gold at a Comex warehouse and you simply want to store it somewhere else. So you take your gold out and ship it to a private vault in Switzerland. The Comex inventories go down, yet your gold isn’t going back on the market. There’s no net change.

Screen Shot 2013-08-05 at 6.28.29 PMOr, suppose you’re a jewelry manufacturer and you take delivery of your Comex gold to produce and sell more jewelry. Comex inventory goes down, and your metal ends up on the market as supply, though in fabricated form.

In both cases, Comex inventories go down. In the first, there’s no net change overall in the supply of gold. In the latter, inventories are down but available supplies are up. They offset each other.

Bottom line: The fact that official Comex inventories may be extremely low means nothing. You have to analyze what’s happened to the metal to make the final determination as to whether it’s bullish, bearish or a net nothing.

This is similar to the manipulation discussion above, in the sense that way too many supposedly impartial analysts use low Comex inventories to conjure up a nice logical-sounding sales pitch.

But in reality, they haven’t done their homework, they’ve only looked at half the evidence — and usually their motive is, again, nothing more than to generate a nice commission off you by getting you to buy at almost always the wrong times and prices, and for the wrong reasons.

Q: Some time ago when Germany decided to remove its gold from the New York Federal Reserve’s vaults and start shipping it back home, you said it was bearish for gold. Everyone thought you were nuts. But I just read that Germany sold 25,000 ounces of its gold. Is that a sign of things to come, central bank gold sales?

A: Yes, I believe it is. Look, no matter what you hear, Western central banks have no use for gold and, instead, want to make it obsolete. They want to move the world to an electronic currency that can be fully tracked, traced and taxed.

So to them, gold is a dinosaur that needs to be put in the past, just like they did with silver in the 1960s.

In addition, Europe’s central banks, especially Germany, needs cash and liquidity to fight the European sovereign debt crisis. So you should indeed expect European central bank gold sales going forward.

But importantly, that does not mean gold will go down. It would be more like the period from 1978 to 1980 in the U.S. when our Treasury dumped millions of ounces of gold on the market, and yet gold prices soared.

Why? Because when central banks dump gold for cash, it’s a surefire sign that all is not well with government finances. Investors, always smarter than governments, move in and start buying up what the central banks are forced to dump.

That’s it for now. Stay tuned — my models are showing that this month and next will be pivotal for almost all markets, leading to major trends unfolding and a slew of new profit opportunities.

Best wishes,




Market Hits New High, Now What?

Screen Shot 2013-08-05 at 9.35.52 AMWe have officially entered into uncharted territory. As the markets continue to surge higher, as earnings falter, valuations have once again reached extremes. As my friend Doug Short recently penned:

“Essentially we are in ‘uncharted’ territory. Never in history have we had 20+ P/E10 ratios with yields at the current level, although as I type this, the 10-year yield is at 2.69%, which is 1.26% above its all-time low set in July of last year. The closest we ever came to this in US history was a seven-month period from October 1936 to April 1937. During that timeframe the 10-year yield averaged 2.67%. How did the market fare? The S&P Composite hit an interim high (based on monthly averages of daily closes) in February 1937. The index plunged 44.9% over the next 15 months.

If we look to the Dow daily closes during that period, the index hit an interim high on March 3, 1937 and fell 49.1% to an interim trough on March 31, 1938 — 13 months later.

What can we conclude? As I said above, we’re in ‘uncharted’ territory. Despite increasing references to near term tapering of QE, many analysts assume that continued Fed easing will keep yields in the basement for a prolonged period, thus continuing to promote a risk-on skew to investment strategies despite weak fundamentals.

On the other hand, we could see a negative market reaction to a growing sense that Fed intervention has its downside, especially if Treasury yields continue to rise despite FOMC policy. The recent trend and volatility in the Nikkei in the wake of Japan’s massive monetary intervention could give investors second thoughts about US equities.

We are indeed living in interesting times.”

With the last comment I do readily agree.  We live in interesting times, and much like “Alice In Wonderland,” we are indeed all mad here.

This week we will review the markets and our allocation models.

>> Read More. Download This Weeks Issue Here.


Lance Roberts is the General Partner & CEO of STA Wealth Management, Host of the “Streettalk Live” Daily Radio Show (streamed live at www.streettalklive.com), and Chief Editor of the X-Report and the Daily X-Change Blog.
Follow me on Twitter: @streettalklive

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The U.S. central bank is closer to slowing down its $85 billion-a-month asset-purchase program in the wake of Friday’s unemployment data, Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Fed Bank, said Monday. “With the unemployment rate having come down to 7.4%, I would say that the [Fed] is now closer to execution mode, pondering the right time to begin reducing its purchases, assuming there is no intervening reversal in economic momentum in coming months,” Fisher said in a speech to state retirement administrators in Portland, Ore. Fisher said he urged his colleagues at last week’s Fed policy meeting to “gird our loins to make our first move this fall.” But he didn’t specify whether he meant the policy committee’s next meeting in September or at the following meeting in October. The Dallas Fed president is not a voting member this year. He has opposed the third round of asset purchases, also known as quantitative easing. In his speech, Fisher said the Fed does not seem to have achieved much in terms of job creation with the trillions of dollars it’s poured into the economy.