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MoneyTalks with Michael Campbell

Latest Episode
Now Available

Western Canada Monthly Income Fund Webinar. Mike's guest on this week's show Ralph van der Walle shares details on their most recent multi-family development project, both for potential Fund investors, and for prospective buyers.
  1. July 16th @ 6:00pm
  2. July 17th @ 6:00pm
Young people have been far too passive about the degree to which their lives are being controlled by commissars of social engineering who pay lip service to liberalism but who are at root Stalinist autocrats who despise and suppress individualism.
Camille Paglia

Luke Gromen on MoneyTalks

Luke Gromen joins Mike to discuss gold, sovereign debt and the "no win" situation central banks now find themselves in. Watch and subscribe today.

MoneyTalks Editor
Coming Up on MoneyTalks Saturday
Saturday on MoneyTalks, the most requested interviews of the year: Auditor General Karen Hogan, Terry Glavin and Doomberg. Mike calls on some of the biggest names in the history of investments, you know them all, as they elaborate on the key characteristic that is the foundation of great decisions. Plus, Mike on the most important quality for successful decision making Sadly, it is the antithesis of political decisions. Get it all and much more starting tomorrow, July 27, at 8:30am PT.
MoneyTalks Editor