Watch Jim Thorne's prediction for the Canadian dollar, the World Outlook Small Cap portfolio picks for 2025, Paul Beattie's 20X stock pick, Martin Armstrong's forecasts for market collapse, Frank Giustra on the potential for a new non-$US based monetary system and much more. Get Immediate access to the streaming HD video today!
Michael Campbell
The Track Record Speaks for itself! At last year's Outlook Conference Paul Beattie's top recommendation was Kits Eyecare – up 35%. Our World Outlook/Keystone Small Cap Portfolio featured Geodrill – up 92% and Dynacore up 57%. Both Tony Greer and James Thorne pounded the table for both gold and Bitcoin - now at all time highs. Get your ticket now and come see what the featured recommendations are this year – Feb 7&8.
Javier Blas, Bloomberg commodities, energy expert
Mike and David Morgan delve into the current state of the silver market, physical bullion, ETFs, and mining stocks. Watch Now.
Liz Truss, former British Prime Minister
NEW MoneyTalks
Move over Elon! Mike reminds us that Canada has its own set of spending scandals. David Morgan on the new bull market in silver. Ozzie says you won't believe the massive increase of government expenses on housing. Plus a Shocking Stat, Goofy Award and more. Listen Now.