Mike's Daily Comment

The Foundation of Our Society & Economy

Freedom is under assault at Canada’s institutions of higher learning. The numbers are stunning. A tragedy when billions of tax dollars support Post Secondary Education.

….also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: A Stick in the Eye at Tax Time




It’s Time For Bold Action

A single decision by parliament would save 133,000 Canadian families struggling in poverty  a minimum of $466 a year with no cost to the taxpayer. Time to raise the banners and pressure politicians to do the right thing.

….also Michael & Ozzie: Freakonomics & Real Estate


Lobbying Government: A Multi-Billion Dollar Business

Excessive regulation and taxation forces companies to lobby government for changes. Add the force of special interest groups and companies worming their way to the front of the line for Government handouts and you’ve got a big, manipulative business of which Government is the focus.

…also Michael’s Mid-Week Update: Heads Begin to Spin As The Countdown(s) Begin

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The Problem With Bombardier

Was it that employees were laid off while millions where being added to executive paychecks, or is it that these government special deals never produce the value for the jobs added. No, it’s worse….

…related from Michael: There Are No Warren Buffets In Government


A Major Feature of Deficit Spending…

….is that it allows both taxpayers and government to avoid responsibility for wasteful spending. Imagine how different it would be if you got a personal bill for your share of the 900% overspent on re-fitting submarines. There is one place where citizens are getting billed though, and it is not pretty!

….also from Michael: The Latest Version of “There is No Free Lunch”
