Mike's Daily Comment

Sooner Or Later You Will Run Out of Other Peoples Money

There was a moment in Canada when Debt became a terrifying monster. When accumulating it rapidly became a source of pride. When any talk of paying it down evaporated.

….related from Michael: Buckle Up – Here Comes The Federal Budget


Coming Soon: A Blizzard of Pronouncements

The federal budget speech will undoubtably focus on the middle class, as well as infrastructure, two of the topics government officials talk about endlessly. What will be interesting is that which you won’t hear about.

…related Michael’s Mid-Week Update: Buckle Up – Here Comes The Federal Budget


Gov’t About To Trip Over It’s Innovation Shoelaces

Governments love to claim they are deeply involved in triggering innovation, meanwhile they are thinking of raising taxes on capital gains. A great disincentive for inspiring innovation. Perhaps the innovation czar figures they’ll will take the money collected in the new tax and open more government innovation offices countrywide.

….also Live From The Trading Desk: The Sharp Increase in Expectations

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When the Consequences Hit

Bad economic policy by governments is seldom noticed by anyone until the negative effects mature and its too late to do anything about it.

….also from Michael: Hope This Doesn’t Happen


Hope This Doesn’t Happen

Raising taxes has never been a way to encourage economic growth yet governments from municipal to federal constantly raise taxes. This new proposed tax hike is over the top

…also from Michael: The Gross Shocking Stat of the Year
