Hot Properties

Hot Properties: Hanging By A Thread

Michael asks Ozzie to bring up to date on the sudden collapse of the Vancouver real estate sales numbers, asking whether this is a violent bear market or a mere correction in an outstanding bullish trend. Ozzie also updates us on the opportunities south of the border where real estate is attractive.

…also, Victor Adair on need to Brace Yourself for a significant decline in the Stock Market


Live From The Trading Desk: Brace Yourself

Victor tells Michael that the Stock Market has become fat and happy under the acronym “Tina”….which means “there is no alternative”. He has put on initial short positions in anticipation of a sudden change moving into the fall given both volatility and complacency are in dangerous territory. Bottom line, big changes are afoot in Stocks, Bonds and Currencies and just about everything else as we move into the fall, short positons are the alternative to take advantage although not in the US Dollar in which he is bullish.


Also featured guest Ryan Irvine’s New Dividend Growth Recommendations


An Educational Mind Twister

With school is about to begin, a recent survey reveals that our young people are more than a little confused about which side of the fence they yearn to live on.

….and this count has affected you, your finances and every single financial transaction on earth: An Astonishing Shocking Stat


A Big Fat Option Idea

The BFI this week involves a play on an expansion in market volatility. You can see that the Volatility Index on the chart enclosed is at a very low level from a year ago. In order to contain risk, an options strategy known as a “strangle” against the SPY is recommended.

….another BFI: Legalized Pot Can Be A Big Investment Winner


Ryan Irvine’s New Dividend Growth Recommendations

Featured guest Ryan Irvine on Dividend growth stocks, a category that has produced some of the great winners over time. Ryan speaks in depth to illustrate that investment approach and recommends some stocks that are in the category.

Also from Michael: Featured Guest Jeff Olin’s Basic Principle to Power Returns In Real Estate
