Mike’s Midweek Comment

If It Weren’t So Expensive It Would Be Funny

In a superb lesson in market timing, after all of the howls of protest peaked and Vancouver passed a law to make housing more affordable sales have just collapsed.

The law has barely taken effect and recent numbers released show single family Vancouver home sales down over 70%. Down 86% in the suburb of Richmond!

It is going to be expensive for some people. Is it a bear market or correction?

…more from Ozzie Jurock: The Shocking Drop in Vancouver Real Estate


One Really Tough Question

Total greenhouse gas emissions in BC amount to 14 one hundredths of one percent of total global emissions, 33% lower than the Canadian average mostly due to hydroelectric. 

…also from Mike: When The Practical Takes a Backseat to the Idealogical


Riding In Style On Your Wallet

It only cost $1700. to ride around in a limousine for a day, so why should anyone be upset with Health Minister Jane Philpott’s taste in travel? Besides everyone in Parliament is doing it. Maybe she’d be in a little less trouble if she had been more truthful when confronted with her perfectly legal expenditure of tax dollars….

Don’t miss – Is This The All Time Olympic Goofy

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A Disturbing State of Affairs

This Quote of the Week defines the advanced state that our Governments in the Western World have progressed to. A distressing state that history says cannot be avoided.

related: The true nature of a significant self-serving movement in our society – Fundamentally Corrupt and Unclear



Time To Celebrate Excellence Again

The wonderful performance by our Olympic athletes shines a spotlight on the non-merit based society that has been implemented in Canada. No more blue, red or white ribbons, everybody wins whether they tried or not.

also: As The Little Girl From Poltergeist Said, “They’re Here.”
