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Many in the establishment call the Great Reset a conspiracy theory – others call it secretive. It’s neither. It’s real and members of government are on board and every one of us should know what it’s about.

Another year, another World Economic Forum in Davos. Any acknowledgement that they’ve got it completely wrong? Some humble mea culpas? Of course not.

Our political leaders have never saved the money, taken the risk of starting a business and put in the hours – so no surprise they don’t mind increasing taxes on those that have.

Jagmeet Singh’s tragic take on the energy crisis guarantees it will continue – $2.50 gas anyone?

Mike’s Comment
Posted by Michael Campbell
on Sunday, 12 June 2022 11:03
My bad, awful week. Why? because I’m writing a cheque to Revenue Canada knowing full well that a good chunk of it will be wasted.