Wealth Building Strategies

Dismal performance of actively managed funds

The 3rd part of the incredible behind the scenes look at the multi- billion dollar investment industry. The stories fund managers world-wide would rather you didn’t see!


fama“If you are serious about investing and building wealth the video documentary series ‘How To Win The Losers Game” is a must see. It’s excellent. 

After watching the video if you want to learn more about better low-cost, long-term, low-maintenance, diversified investment strategies, download our free guide “12 Essential Ideas For Building Wealth” by clicking on the banner at the top of this page.

Paul Philip, Financial Wealth Builders Securities



How To Trust Your Gut Instinct

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”
-Stephen Covey
Decision making is rarely a rational exercise.  We hardly ever have the complete information available to us.  It is usually irrational, with an overlay of rationality to give us inner comfort and at least a sense of order to calm our troubled mind!.

As you accumulate experience over time, you learn to depend less on the objective side of decision-making and more on the intuitive side, until it becomes a habit.  

In a difficult decision making environment, it may be hard to discern between emotion and intuition.  I believe intuition is drawn from the accumulation of previous similar experiences that enable us to recall lessons or extrapolate results in a way that gives us additional guidance.  Whereas, emotional decisions are based on human nature and undisciplined forces, that trigger negative behaviors.  With personal experience, the difference between the two will become more clear to you.
Trusting our gut does not come easily since we are often overwhelmed by human nature (for example, fight or flight response) or become frozen by indecision (fear). In addition, we may use confirmation basis to seek out more information to justify the decision, rather than trusting our own experiences and gut.

It is not something that comes to us easily, as we need evidence that our intuition will help us through trial and error, so, with time, we determine after the fact whether or not it worked. We use this feedback to improve our intuition once again.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you have not really developed a high level of intuitive decision making yet. Just be mindful of it over time, develop confidence in your inner strong voice as you trust it to help you make decisions.

How do you go about doing that practically? Do the following:

Start small: Get into the habit of making rapid decisions on small, matter-of-fact items, so you start to build confidence. Don’t overthink any small decision, just respond rapidly, particularly if you have a strong feeling about the decision.  This will give you fast feedback and accumulated experience.

Be positive: Fear heightens our insecurities or negativity, forcing us to seek more certainty when it may not exist. Stay positive, and intuition will rise up within you more naturally.  To become more courageous, do the thing you fear and the death of fear will be certain (Mark Twain).

Be aware: Be more aware of how you feel, your psychology or mindset, when making important decisions, and then determine how much of the feeling is rooted in fear or courage.

Don’t over analyze: Go with the best information you have in the time available, and then move forward. Over analyzing will drown out you’re your inner voice and sow the seeds of doubt and uncertainty.

If you go with intuition and it doesn’t work out, try to figure out what was it that let you down.  Seek to understand and take the time to make improvements. Like any good habit, it takes continuous practice, over a long period of time, to make it stick. Intuition is one of those soft areas that can be critical in decision making, and understanding it can really help make us avoid making material and costly failures, ultimately making us better business leaders. 

By Eamonn Percy

Financial Advice for My New Son

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 8.53.55 AMYou’ll care about this one day.

My wife and I welcomed a son into the world on Sunday. It’s the coolest experience anyone could ask for. 

His only interest right now is keeping us awake 24/7. But one day — a long time from now — he’ll need to learn something about finance. When he does, here’s my advice. 

1. You might think you want an expensive car, a fancy watch, and a huge house.But I’m telling you, you don’t. What you want is respect and admiration from other people, and you think having expensive stuff will bring it. It almost never does — especially from the people you want to respect and admire you.

When you see someone driving a nice car, you probably don’t think, “Wow, that person is cool.” Instead, you think, “Wow, if I had that car people would think I’m cool.” Do you see the irony? No one cares about the guy in the car. Have fun; buy some nice stuff. But realize that what people are really after is respect, and humility will ultimately gain you more of it than vanity.

2. It’s normal to assume that all financial success and failure is earned. It mostly is, but only up to a point — and a lower point than many think……read more HERE

Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) and How to Shock Proof Your Business

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”
– Charles Swindoll
Earlier today, Mr Stephen Poloz, Governor of The Bank of Canada, announced a series of unconventional policy tools which may be deployed during an economic crisis.  Among these, was a policy decision to set a new benchmark low interest rate to minus 0.5 percent, below the previous floor of 0.25 percent.  Yes, you read that correctly, negative interest rates.  

By adopting a Negative Interest Rate Policy, the Bank of Canada is at least signaling its own preparedness for an economic crisis or a period of sustained deflation.  Given the sluggish Annual Growth Rates of advanced economies in 2015 (2.1 % versus 4.2% for Emerging Economies according to the IMF) and the continued decline in the Canadian Resource, Energy and Oil Sectors (WTI at $37.51 USD today), it is probably just prudent planning for a worst case scenario.

However, if preparedness is good enough for The Bank of Canada, isn’t good enough for you and your business? 

If so, here is what I recommended in a September, 2014 article in the Globe and Mail – Report on Business.  I believe the course of action outline below, combined with building a strong cash position, focusing on sales expansion and leveraging the relationships with your current customers, will separate the winners from the losers in the turbulent period ahead. 
When business cycles change, it may not be the end of the world as we know it, but it certainly feels like it for the unprepared business. According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Research, since 1933 there have been 13 recessions, averaging 11 months in duration, and with a corresponding drop in GDP ranging from 18 to 2 per cent. In the same period we have experienced multiple currency crisis, stock market crashes, trade wars, stagflation, globalization, technological change, and many other types of apparent mayhem that can wreak havoc on your business, customers and market. The next downturn is only a matter of time.

Since no business owner is clairvoyant and can anticipate every conceivable calamity, hope lies in preparation. A good business leader can build in a safety margin or shock absorber, to help the company survive during periods of excessive turmoil, and then thrive while their less-prepared competitors are picking up the pieces. Great shock absorbers start with exceptional leadership, a strong financial position, a clear core competency and exceptional staff. That is not enough, since each of those factors are subordinate to human error.

However, since people are fallible, an unstructured business highly dependent on human intervention will quickly succumb to pressures outside of the status quo. In fact, maintaining the status quo can become the biggest risk, creating a pervasive sense of complacency.

The best shock absorber is a scalable business system that drives value to your customers, creates a culture of continuous improvement, supersedes behavioural flaws and constantly aligns the company with market need. To build this scalable system, do the following:

Identify: A business system is the integration of the key process steps in your business that create value for your customers by leveraging your core competency. As an example, business systems can focus on product or technology development, service delivery, design iteration or manufacturing excellence.

Select: Focus on systems that create value for the customer and drive cultural excellence. For instance, Toyota adopted the principles of Lean Manufacturing at the end of the Second World War, which propelled it to the position of largest automotive manufacturer in the world today.

Build: Start with your core process that delivers value to your customer base, and ensure it is clear, efficient and aligned with the customer need and maximizing what you do best. If you are in a highly competitive sector, start to build a new core competency focused on higher-margin business.

Iterate: Strive constantly to improve your system by measuring effectiveness, setting improvement targets and hiring external expertise that will be more critical and objective. Focus on improving the weakest link by testing and then improving.

Sustain: Put a system in place to manage the system. This could be as simple as internal audits or adding key metrics to your management review, or as comprehensive as adopting an external ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard of practice, such as 9000 for Quality, 14000 for Environmental or 31000 for Risk Management. Be vigilant and don’t let your guard down when everything is going smoothly.

Embed: The end game is to embed this approach into the culture of your business, so it becomes something the organization is, rather than something the organization does. Link the systematic approach to compensation and recognition, and make its adoption a condition for advancement in the company. Lead by example.

Be prepared for significant push back in the short run for taking such a pedantic systems approach, but in the long run and with the benefit of hindsight, your leadership courage will be rewarded.

Putting rigorous and disciplined processes or systems in place is a thankless leadership job, but it is absolutely necessary in order to build a dominate market position and to protect you and your employees against inevitable and regular shocks.

Link to original article here

By Eamonn Percy

What Are ETFs and Why Are They So Popular

etf1Many people confuse Index Funds with ETFs. They are not the same thing at all. And ETFs are definitely not a one size fits all solution. At the end of the day, ETFs can still be actively managed – which has inherent risks and costs associated… CLICK HERE to watch the complete video

The Evidence-Based Investor Video series is a service provided by Paul Philip and the team at Financial Wealth Builders Securities