
Oil Trade Setup, Gold About to Bottom & SP500 Showing Weakness..

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It’s official – Central Banks Are Demigods


“If the great Government of the United States were a private corporation no bank would take its name on a piece of paper, because it has cynically repudiated the words engraved upon its bonds.” – Garet Garrett


No, not because Warren “I never met a camera or young female reporter I didn’t like” Buffet says so. No, not because Nancy Pelosi or the other wealthy-class of President Obama’s supporters’ 401k plan proves the affirmative. Not even because Ben Bernanke has given Mr. Paul Krugman and Larry Summers everything they’ve hoped for, and more. But it’s because the banker for central banks—The Bank of International Settlements—has said so. [Effectively saying that CBs can create as much credit as they want; it really doesn’t matter because they will never go bankrupt—so don’t worry, they got your back.]

And we should all be very proud because “central banks gains and losses belong to society,” says the BIS. Funny though how those societal gains and losses are distributed isn’t it? Extremely steep yield curves and direct confiscation of wealth through taxation is heaped on “society” to cover the losses we guarantee. But the gains don’t seem to be distributed very evenly. I guess that is our destiny as Proles; as usual the spoils go loyal Party Members. America, ain’t it a great country!

It truly seems a tale of two economies…apologies to Mr. Dickens:

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If the Central Bankers are true demigods, and doing such a “gutsy” job, as lead Party Member Warren “I never met a camera or young female reporter I didn’t like” Buffet says, why are the reserves being created not getting into the real economy where the Proles live?

• Monetary Velocity is at a new all-time low since record keeping began back in 1959 (the chart the upper right on the page above); proving Proles are worried about their future.

• Bank reserves surged again to a new record high while interests on deposits to the Proles remains in record low territory and Commercial & Industrial loans have still not surpassed where they were before the credit crunch.

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The banking reserves have spiked higher yet again. If we are in the midst of a recovery, why should this be? I ran the numbers. Reserves to banks have increased over 2000% since the credit crunch. This is nothing less than stunning to me. This credit has leaked out indeed—to Party Members—who work and live in the financial economy and are compensated by increases in financial assets.

Could it just be my sour grapes for not being part of the Greenwich-cum-Street Crowd that has to make those weighty decisions each day: Should I buy a third yacht? And if so, how much longer should it be?

No matter. Be long or be wrong. There will be no pay back for this unbelievably stunning monetary dislocation and imbalance. It’s all good.

Jack Crooks Black Swan Capital


Faber: Cash & Government Bonds Cannot Protect You

Bank site

I Don’t Trust the Banking System. The central banks around the world gone the path of money printing and once you choose that path you’re in it, and you have to print more money.

If you start to print, it has the biggest impact. Then you print more – it has a lesser impact unless you increase the rate of money printing very significantly. And, the third money printing has even less impact. And the problem is like the Fed: they printed money because they wanted to lift the housing market, but the housing market is the only asset that didn’t go up substantially.

In general, I think that the purchasing power of money has diminished very significantly over the last ten, twenty, thirty years, and will continue to do so. So by being in cash and government bonds is not a protection against this depreciation in the value of money.”

….read more from Marc – I Don’t Trust the Banking System

Faber : Gold Manipulation is a gift to the Asian Central Banks

Marc Faber : “Western central banks still own the bulk of gold in the world, and are well aware…[that] central banks in emerging economies, notably in Asia, are grossly underweight gold. So why would they depress the price of gold [as] a gift to the Asian central banks, to be able to buy [it] at a lower price? That I don’t [understand] entirely.”

More in bullmarketthinking where the author has condensed Marc’s comments and written his views on: 

Gold, Terrorism, & Democratic Wealth Confiscation

….click on the title or HERE



Gold: The Bazooka’s Taken Aim by Just Breaking Out

Will the Breakout in the USD Index Hurt Gold?

We haven’t touched on currencies for quite some time (our latest essay was dedicated entirely to gold: Gold Price in May 2013) now but last time we did, we mentioned the long-term breakout in the USD Index, which at that time was starting to take shape, but as the time wore on it became more and more significant. This is why in today’s essay we’ll focus mostly on the U.S. currency, review its current technical situation and its implications for gold and silver. Let us then jump straight into the chart analysis – we’ll start with the very long-term chart where the breakout is most clearly visible (charts courtesy by

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The index has actually confirmed a breakout above the very long-term resistance line. It has closed above it now for three consecutive months (yes, months). While a correction to the 80 level is still possible in the short term, an eventual move to the upside is now more likely than not. The closest target level seems to be slightly above 85 and although the 90 level could be in the cards as well, for now, we will focus on the first target level at this time.

The situation in the United States has not improved dramatically and the value of the dollar will have to go down eventually because of the massive amounts thereof that were created in the recent months and years. However, please remember that the USD Index is a weighted average of currency exchange rates, so if other currencies depreciate faster relative to tangible assets such as gold, the USD Index could actually rally. Another possibility is if the US situation is bad but it is worse everywhere else, the index could also rally. Anyway, the above chart suggests the USD index will move higher in the weeks ahead, though not necessarily immediately.

Let us move on to the medium term now.

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In this chart, the picture is not as clear. The bearish head-and-shoulders formation could still be completed here, but the index would need to move below 79 and then hold this breakdown. If it moves above 84, the bearish pattern would be invalidated. Since the long-term picture is more important and carries greater weight than the medium and short-term outlooks, it is more probable that a rally will be seen, although this may not happen right away.

Finally, let’s zoom in even further and see how the short-term situation looks like.

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In the short-term USD Index chart, we see that the index declined immediately after the cyclical turning point. A sharp move lower has been seen over the past few days, though this did reverse on an intra-day basis on Thursday (perhaps forex traders acted on the bullish 3-month confirmation of the long-term breakout). This could in fact be a reversal, as moves to the upside appear possible now. It is, however, a bit unclear at this time. What should have happened due to the bearish impact of the cyclical turning point has probably already been seen. All-in-all, the situation is unclear for the short term.

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In the long-term Euro Index chart, we see that the index bottomed within our target area and then moved higher. What’s ahead for the Euro Index is a bit unclear right now. An analogy to previous patterns suggests a move to the upside here.

With respect to gold, previous similar Euro Index trading patterns (such as in late 2010) coincided with gold moving lower initially and then rallying strongly (note the decline in late 2010 and early 2011). It seems that gold could once again move lower before rallying significantly.

Now, let’s take a look at the intermarket correlations to see how the situation in currencies may translate into the precious metals market.

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The Correlation Matrix is a tool which we have developed to analyze the impact of the currency markets and the general stock market upon the precious metals sector, (namely: gold correlations and silver correlations). The short-term impact on the precious metals by other markets has been very unclear. On a medium-term basis, the impact from the currency markets is negative. The final bottom for gold, silver and the mining stocks may very well be ahead. In the long run, the effect of these other markets is close to zero, and we expect the secular bull market for precious metals to continue even though the rally may not be seen right away.

Summing up, the long-term outlook for the USD Index is now bullish, and this could damage the precious metals markets, at least temporarily. The very long-term correlations between the dollar and the precious metals have been pretty non-existent. A medium-term impact will likely be seen however if the USD Index rallies (expect “there was no bull market in gold, only the bear market in the dollar which just ended” and similar comments – look at the non-USD gold chart for proof that there was much more to gold’s rally than dollar’s decline). The metals will probably respond negatively at first, and then go along with their main secular trend, which is to the upside.

Thank you for reading. Have a great and profitable week!

Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA

Founder, Editor-in-chief

Gold Trading & Silver Trading Website –

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All essays, research and information found above represent analyses and opinions of Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA and Sunshine Profits’ associates only. As such, it may prove wrong and be a subject to change without notice. Opinions and analyses were based on data available to authors of respective essays at the time of writing. Although the information provided above is based on careful research and sources that are believed to be accurate, Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA and his associates do not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the data or information reported. The opinions published above are neither an offer nor a recommendation to purchase or sell any securities. Mr. Radomski is not a Registered Securities Advisor. By reading Przemyslaw Radomski’s, CFA reports you fully agree that he will not be held responsible or liable for any decisions you make regarding any information provided in these reports. Investing, trading and speculation in any financial markets may involve high risk of loss. Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA, Sunshine Profits’ employees and affiliates as well as members of their families may have a short or long position in any securities, including those mentioned in any of the reports or essays, and may make additional purchases and/or sales of those securities without notice.



Grandich – Things

Screen shot 2013-05-02 at 8.49.51 PM1.
 Sink QE (the money printing plan, that Is)

2. Global bond markets look eerily like 2005 (consider your position when the music stops)

3. Pensions: How Big is the Problem

4. Sink the dollar – Year of the yuan: China’s explosive currency goes global

5. A buy signal on juniors? (Junior mining stocks see record insider buying)

6. They’re coming for you next

7. Are you *%@# kidding me?

About Peter

Though he never finished high school, Peter Grandich entered Wall Street in the mid-1980s with no formal education or training and within three years was appointed Vice President of Investment Strategy for a leading New York Stock Exchange member firm. He would go on to hold positions as a Market Strategist, portfolio manager for four hedgefunds and a mutual fund that bared his name.

His abilities has resulted in hundreds of media interviews including GMA, Neil Cavuto’s Your World on Fox News, The Kudlow Report on CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Financial Post, Globe and Mail, US News & World Report, New York Times, Business Week, MarketWatch, Business News Network and dozens more. He’s spoken at investment conferences around the globe, edited numerous investment newsletters, and is one of the more sought after commentators.

Grandich is the founder of and Grandich Publications, LLC, and is editor of The Grandich Letter which was first published in 1984. On his internationally-followed blog, he comments daily about the world’s economies and financial markets and posts his views on social and political topics.  He also blogs about a variety of timely subjects of general interest and interweaves his unique brand of humor and every-man “Grandichism” expressions with his experience gained from more than 30 years in and around Wall Street. The result is an insightful and intuitive look at business, finances and the world, set in a vernacular that just about anyone can understand. In his first year, Grandich’s wildly-popular blog had more than one million views. Grandich also provides a variety of services to publicly-held corporations on a compensation basis.

Grandich’s autobiography, Confessions of a Wall Street Whiz Kid, was publiched in fall 2011.

He is the also the founder of Trinity Financial Sports & Entertainment Management Co. [], a firm with a Christian perspective which he started in 2001 with former NY Giant and two-time Super Bowl champion Lee Rouson.  The firm offers services to celebrities, athletes and average folks.  Peter Grandich is a member of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants, and a long-standing member of The New York Society of Security Analysts and The Society of Quantitative Analysts.

Grandich is also very active in Christian sports ministries including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Athletes in Action.

He resides in New Jersey with his wife Mary and daughter Tara.