I Don’t Trust the Banking System. The central banks around the world gone the path of money printing and once you choose that path you’re in it, and you have to print more money.
If you start to print, it has the biggest impact. Then you print more – it has a lesser impact unless you increase the rate of money printing very significantly. And, the third money printing has even less impact. And the problem is like the Fed: they printed money because they wanted to lift the housing market, but the housing market is the only asset that didn’t go up substantially.
In general, I think that the purchasing power of money has diminished very significantly over the last ten, twenty, thirty years, and will continue to do so. So by being in cash and government bonds is not a protection against this depreciation in the value of money.”
….read more from Marc – “I Don’t Trust the Banking System“
Faber : Gold Manipulation is a gift to the Asian Central Banks
Marc Faber : “Western central banks still own the bulk of gold in the world, and are well aware…[that] central banks in emerging economies, notably in Asia, are grossly underweight gold. So why would they depress the price of gold [as] a gift to the Asian central banks, to be able to buy [it] at a lower price? That I don’t [understand] entirely.”
More in bullmarketthinking where the author has condensed Marc’s comments and written his views on:
Gold, Terrorism, & Democratic Wealth Confiscation
….click on the title or HERE