Goofy Award Winner
Quote of the Week
Brilliant advice for students – and the rest of us – by 15 Harvard, Yale and Princeton professors summed up in just 3 words.
Shocking Stat
To borrow from JP Morgan – you can ignore the actions of the Communist Party of China – the problem is – they don’t ignore you – and it costs big money.
Goofy Award
Oh, those pesky “access to information” requests. When it comes to getting the vaccines -looks like the government’s been playing fast and lose with the truth.
Many in the US media are starting to question the government and media’s communications during COVID – not so much in Canada.
Props to Bill Maher for taking on the destructiveness of the “woke” mob who take it as an article of faith that no progress on races issues has been made.
She said it over 60 years ago but Ayn Rand nails the change we’ve seen in the relationship between politics and the public in just 30 words.
What the cancel culture simply refuse to understand. Hint: they’re next.