Mike's Daily Comment

If You Don’t Agree With The Canada Revenue Agency – Tough Luck!


It’s a joke to say, as the Prime Minister has, that someone earning $150,000, or even $200,000 running a small business with the inherent risks, is rich. Indeed, anyone making over $150,000 is already paying at least 50% of their income to the 3 levels of Government. Now the CRA is going to decide how much family members can make in your business. 

….also from Michael: The Battle In Seattle


The Battle In Seattle


There was a time when the BC Teachers Federation joined in the Battle of Seattle protest claiming all kinds of cataclysmic events would flow to Canada from a Free Trade Agreement with the US. Well, here we are 30 years later and…..

….also from Michael: Trudeau Punctuates 25 Years Of Zero Progress

1280px-WTO protests in Seattle November 30 1999

The Prime Minister’s Endless Campaign

Prime Minister Trudeau has broken new ground in politics, continuing his election campaign for 2 years beyond his election. Take a look at Trudeau’s shocking number of spending announcements.

….also from Michael: And The Oscar For Moral Hypocrisy Goes To…..

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Celebrity Culture Hits A Peak


Hollywood is covered in shame this week as it becomes apparent that everyone knew for decades about Harvey Weinstein’s constant groping, abuse and accusations of rape. The celebrity culture’s acceptance was so pervasive some even made jokes about it during awards shows.

….also from Michael: Trudeau Punctuates 25 Years Of Zero Progress


Lavish Big Government Spending – Greg Weldon’s Opportunities – Complete Show Oct 14th 2017


00:45 -07:02 – If we have an obligation to pay taxes, does government not have the obiligation to spend the money well? Show some progress at least? Well, for 25 years Auditor Generals have been chronicling lavish and wasteful government spending in excess of $158 billion plus. Gone, disappeared and no one has gone to jail. Now the Trudeau Liberals spent a shocking $212,234. on the cover of the 2017 budget. That’s compared to $616. for the previous budget. Demonstrating they haven’t learned anything. http://ow.ly/Pbgm30fSmgF

Plus Michael Levy’s Top Stories, and Mike’s Big Fat Idea


Greg Weldon, the man that other analysts read, made listeners who acted a bundle with his September call on Money Talks to buy the behemoth US banks. Today Michael pins Greg down for his latest investment ideas. Today Greg delves into the confusion he sees at the Fed. Greg thinks “we currently have multiple layers of uncertainty, which is not good for confidence at a time when the landmines have never been more plentiful.”  With the political uncertainty around Trump and Nafta, Gregs recommendation to go long the Canadian Dollar versus the Mexican Peso soared last week. Greg says there is a lot of opportunity to be found right now. Greg finishes his interview with his clear opinion on Stocks domestically and internationally, Bonds and Gold. Greg thinks Catalonia is a trigger mine as is China’s push on OPEC and Saudi Arabia to accept payment for crude oil in Chinese yuan.

also: Quote of the Week, Shocking Stat, Ozzie Jurock’s Hot Properties, Victor Adair and Mike’s Goofy

…also Michael’s Editorial: Trudeau Punctuates 25 Years Of Zero Progress
