Goofy Award Winner


A moment of silence for Harvard University, which ihas been diagnosed with terminal moral amnesia. They’re honouring #Metoo denier and Bill’s in-house apologist, Hillary Clinton – who lost the Presidency because of the Russians, the FBI’s Jame Comey, the deplorables and a litany of bad luck…just ask her. 

All The Look At Me Talk About Poverty Is Driving This Economist Nuts

01.00 – 02.14 – When it comes to poverty Laval University Economist, Stephen Gordon is tired of the all talk, no action crowd.



They Want Higher Taxes So Government Can Waste More Money

00:-54 – 06:02 Michael -New taxes on homes, carbon taxes, higher CPP premiums, car insurance, ultility rates and property taxes to name just a few but not a word about the waste and inefficient spending.  Lots of examples like the $910 million blown on the Phoenix pay system and $212,000 on the 2017 Budget cover.




Buy & Hold: The Worst Strategy Ever Known To Man


03:55 – 18:27: Featured Guest Lance Roberts – As the Stock Market Bull grinds higher & higher more and more investors are gravitating to “passive” indexes and sector specific ETFs. It’s a strategy that works when liquidity is high and values continue to grow. But what happens in a bear market? Or when liquidity becomes an issue? Lance Roberts posits the uncomfortable scenario – “what happens if those passive investors become active panic sellers?”. Lance winds up warning investors about the “best way to ruin yourretirement”


Just Say No To Financial Accountability

First the Prime Minister got rid of the First Nations Transparency Act – then Bill C-377 which required unions to disclose salaries over $100,000 – and now they put an end to auditing charities to make sure they’re actually doing charitiable work  