Mike’s Saturday Editorial

The Problem With The Relentless Middle Class Message


The Federal Liberals contant message that they are doing everything for the “middle class” clearly resonates with voters, and it also provides cover when Justin Trudeau got caught breaking his own rules regarding pay for access at a dinner for Chinese billionaires. The Liberals do lots of things that hurt the middle class. For example one of their main six goals for the renegotiation of NAFTA that includes preserving a system that transfers wealth from the lowest earning 40% of families to a privileged group of just 13,500! 

…also Featured Guest Dr. James Thorne on: The Incoming “Financial Crime of the Century”


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“If The Right People Say The Right Things, It Matters Little What They Do”


On Thursday the BC NDP/Green government held a news conference to announce that from here forward they would stop using cars, cease buying any goods transported by gas or diesel trucks, and immediately cease all air and ferry travel. Just kidding! Naturally they did no such thing, but they did promise to do everything they could to delay the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. 


You, Your Investments & Isaac Newton’s 3rd Law


01:07 – 07:12 – Issac Newton’s 3rd law states “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. We have seen this physical law govern the investing world when for example the dot-com bubble rose spectacularily in 4 years to its highs, then reversed and collapsed all the way back to its starting point three years later. Anticipating when a major trend is going to change is arguably the underlying factor determining profits and losses. Newtons 3rd law is also applicable to to society in general, and with the rise in societal extremism the only thing we can count on is that there will be an equal and opposite reaction. The question? How will that reaction manifest.  

…..also Michael’s Mid-Week Update: Dow 22,0000!



Defying Common Sense

The Wynne Government’s raising of the minimum wage has gotten restaurateurs nervous, so nervous Wynne is now hinting at Government relief for restaurant owners as the province prepares to increase the minimum wage. It begs the question – if raising the minimum wage is supposed to be good for the economy, why would government need to provide relief?


….also from Michael: One Pipeline Down….Two To Go?

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The Stairway To Bureaucracy Heaven

Wasteful spending is no longer definable along with the news that human initiative is no longer allowed. Whether it a city ripping down $550 resident donated stairs in a park so that it can be replaced by a set worth between $65,000 – $150,000, or requiriing children and their parents to pay a fee and sign 3 page legal documents to open a lemonade stand, the incentive to sit back and just let Government run wild through our society is becoming compelling. 


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