Mike’s Saturday Editorial

It’s a Tax Battle Royal

01:16 – 06:26 Mike’s Editorial – Big government loving politicians are squaring off against doctors, farmers and entrepreneurs. In one corner some prominent economists – in the other angry accountants saying enough already with the increasing complexity of the tax code. $250 million a year in tax money at stake.


Is Greed The Root Of All Evil

It’s very interesting what one of the Worlds most respected economists, Milton Friedman had to say to the liberal talk show host Phil Donahue about greed, which societies have it, and which don’t. 

….also from Michael: Headline – It’s Throw Back Monday for Labour


Think For Yourself


01:13 – 07:05 – Michael’s Editorial – The push to eliminate thinking that opposes what is considered acceptable thought on University Campuses, or the attempts to crush any thinking that reveals flawed data or conclusions on the environmental file continues to gather steam. It could be easily called the tyranny of onsided opinion because the groups opposed to contrary opinion are prepared to use violence to squelch alternate thought. 


Antifa Masked 0

Rewriting History – Careful What You Wish For

The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario wants schools named after Sir John A. Macdonald to change their name. In Balitmore the oldest statue of Christopher Columbus in the US was destroyed. While we’re removing repugnant symbols of the past – what about getting rid of the official US racist party who opposed ending slavery and was the champion of segregation – the Democratic Party.

….also from Michael: Private Oil Companies Don’t Manipulate Oil




Ignorance – Trump & Canada’s Anti-Free Trade Contingent


35 million Canadians currently gets access to 300 million of the richest customers on the planet, 50% of Ontario’s economy is dependent on US/Canada Trade. A major disruption in trade would be a disaster, but common sense doesn’t matter when you have an ideaolgy.  
