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Mike’s Editorial

Every time the housing market moves up big government advocates demands a new tax on the sale of your primary residence – which of course was bought with after tax dollars.

Mike’s Editorial

Extreme moves are everywhere from politics to society to the investment markets. Is it all part of the same trend? If so, then look out.

Mike’s Editorial

Helping people who been hard hit by the pandemic is not the same as giving government carte blanche – but no worries – it’s our children and their children who’ll pay the price.

Mike’s Editorial

How are you at predicting the future? You might be better than you think. Mike’s going to ask you 5 questions that will define the future.

Mike’s Editorial

It’s the most anti-intellectual attitude in history. Straight out of the dark ages, McCarthyism or totalitarian China. The cost is huge but still we sat back and let it happen.