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Mike’s Comment

It’s finally here. The government wants control over what you can read, see, or upload to social media. Bill C-10 has been called a full frontal attack on free speech and democracy by Canada leading internet experts.

Mike’s Editorial

We don’t care how much money government wastes – and then 2 minutes later we say there’s not enough money for clean drinking water, healthcare for people with intellectual disabilities and homelessness.

Mike’s Editorial

Mike talks about what must be in Monday’s federal budget in order to revive the economy and put the massive borrowing on a sustainable footing.

Mike’s Editorial

If you like paying taxes, you’ll love what’s coming. Of course it’s already started with the increase in payroll taxes, carbon taxes and liquor taxes that have already kicked in.

Mike’s Editorial

Bad news for China’s goal of becoming a world financial centre but good news for our economy. Do Canadian politicians understand why?