Mike's Daily Comment

We are headed in the wrong direction economically and financially. Governments is not the solution to our problem, Government is the problem. All three levels of Government are doing more of the same, bad ideas….

….listen to the whole comment HERE

The media has an infatuation with political drama at the expense of serious discussion of the issues, and did we ever get an example from Peter Mansbridge last thursday…..

.…listen to entire comment HERE

Political automatons complained yesterday that Mike stick to economics. Sadly, people who are held hostage by their political affiliations can’t understand that the election

Donald Trump Presidency

UnknownThe experts were certain Donald Trump’s run would collapse. Now he is the Republican Candidate for President. A choice between the crazy man and the criminal according to Peggy Noonan of the WSJ ….



The Leap Manifesto crowd needs to step aside so that serious people, people with no political adgenda who are interested in workable solutions can be heard. 

…full comment HERE