Mike's Daily Comment

A recent poll indicates that nobody is interested in the economy anymore. You have to scratch your head when you hear what they are interested in. 

(“It’s The Economy Stupid” is a quotation from Bill Clinton’s 1992 Presidential campaign)


Be sure to listen to Mike’s quote of the week HERE


After the devastating impact of the decline in Oil, there are demands in Alberta that the Government needs to diversify the economy. Mike explains why that’s silly.


…related: Mike’s Shocking Stat takes on Iranian Oil Production


Can you think of anyone more ill-informed on economics and finance than a 16 year old?

Do you want kids who’ve never worked full time making multi-billion dollar decisions on taxation… for one?


related: Michael on Common Sense & Practical Reality Be Damned

Common Sense & Practical Reality Be Damned

dolThe 7 Billion dollar Heist of the Century, the 9.2 Billion dollar fiasco in Ontario, 6.5 Billion dollars to the Mafia in Italy, money to political supporters, all in the name of…. 


Also from Mike:

Stock market volatility and a Fed Governor’s stock Market comment

Unfettered capitalism – what with over 40 billion dollars spent annually to comply with Government regulations? A third of which are useless. Plus billions more in Tax compliance costs….

…listen to full commentary HERE