Mike's Daily Comment

A Dangerous Dark Storm Brewing

What’s going on at Dallas Police and Fire pension plan is downright frightening. The numbers and impact on lives is likely to trigger social unrest. Worse, there is more to come since the US Social Security pension is not well funded, nor are huge State and Municipal pension funds. 

….related: The Fed is Throwing Up Its Hands

bankrupt speedometer by iqoncept

Government is Running Scared

The entitlement attitude that everyone should be able to own a home is at the heart of demands for affordability. Sudden recent changes in mortgage eligibility is a strong sign things may have gotten out hand.

….interest rate related from Featured Guest Dr. Michael Berry PhD.: The Fed is Throwing Up Its Hands

housing crash

Robot Union Demands $2 an Hour

A study says that by 2025 the cost of  a robot that does welding will be less than $2 an hour. That’ll keep Union Shop Stewards awake at night. Australia’s Dept. of Industry  predicts that 500,000 high skilled jobs like accounting and finance will be replaced by robots and automation! There’s a lot of competition for a job.

….also from Michael: The Main Investment Theme For the Next Decade


A Promise With a Poor Track Record

Donald Trump is he latest Government leader to promise jobs. Governments don’t have a good track record in that dept. as Justin Trudeau has found out. Canada’s unemployment rate is 7%, exactly, the same as it was after the election in Oct 2015. Just one factor that could torpedo Trumps promise would be if interest rates keep rising. Another is a stronger US dollar that will make US products uncompetitive. There are just so many factors that can trip up a Government’s goal to expand employment, debt at the top of the list. 

….more from Michael: Interest Rates Are Heading Higher


A Slick Way To Fight Carbon Emissions

The heated debate of Carbon Taxes first has to take into consideration that if all of Canada was shut down, no cars, no factory, no heated homes….it would only reduce World Wide carbon emissions less than under 2%. If reducing carbon emissions is the priority, Government shouldn’t be looking to a carbon tax regardless of what they promise to spend the money on. There is a way though….

…also from Michael: Canada’s Arrogant Politicians

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