Mike's Daily Comment

Average Age of Paperboys SkyRocketing

Why is it that 1/3 of Adults between 25 & 54 are earning minimum wage? These are their prime earning years and its time to do some research to figure out why it’s happening. Michael takes a crack at it…..

…Quote of the Week: A Terrific Alternative to a Current University Education


Enormous Potential In Transit

A conclusion by a new MIT Study says that we are on a brink of dramatic change. NY’s current 14,000 taxis will drop to 3,000 and wait times to under 3 minutes!

…speaking of cities: Canada 6-City Housing & the Plunge-O-Meter


A Story Too Good To Be True

The European Union’s massive bureaucracy on top of individual government bureaucracies has come up with 454 regulations for, wait for it, towels. Wait, it gets better than that….

…related: More Government Horror: The Impact of Canadian Taxpayers Being On The Hook For Public Service Pension Shortfalls


Canadian Taxpayers Brace for another, ahem… “Investment”

That’s right. No longer is it called a bailout, its now an investment. Canada and Ontario are about to each give Honda 41,800,000 Tax dollars. Despite the fact this money will not only harm taxpayers, the unemployed….

….related: More Government Horror: The Impact of Canadian Taxpayers Being On The Hook For Public Service Pension Shortfalls


An Example of Fake News (That You Are Paying For)

The CBC are taking another 675 million tax dollars they “needed” for some reason. Its clear they did not put any of that money into a recent news story that was void of research or data and had a made up conclusion. A great example of Canadian fake news.

….also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: Freedom Equals Economic Prosperity

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