Mike's Daily Comment

Trudeau Government Makes Hollow Demands


The Foreign Affairs Minister is demanding that the US Government and Donald Trump incorporate into the NAFTA agreement “efforts to address climate change”. They are also demanding a chapter on “gender rights” as well as another chapter on “indigenous rights”.

…related from Michael: It’s Time To Unmask Politicians

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It’s Time To Unmask Politicians

One of the great fabrications of Canadian politics is how deeply we care about the poor. In reality, all the political parties support policies that hurt the poor. One policy alone pushes 133,000 families into poverty and it is time to call them on it.

…also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: “If The Right People Say The Right Things, It Matters Little What They Do”


Big Surprise – Some People Make More Money than Others

When it comes to income inequality – some advocates act like the formula for making more money is a big secret. It’s not… the  vast majority of us make choices that impact our future earnings.

…also Michael’s Mid-Week update: North Korea – Uncertainty & Underlying Strength


Government Can’t Stimulate


Governments get into financial trouble when they yield to Big Government advocates and try to stimulate a 2 Trillion Dollar economy with a 30 Billion stimulus package. A stimulus package that will take years to roll out. 

…also Michael’s Mid-Week Update: North Korea – Uncertainty & Underlying Strength


“Drop In The Bucket” Spending


Lets at least get the facts straight on how much government spending projects really cost. Take for example the recent 35 million dollar “diversity gardens” announcement…..

….related from Michael: Spending Adults Destroying Children’s Futures

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