Mike's Daily Comment

How Much Will We Let Government Take

The competition between those who think the money belongs first to those who earn it, and those who think that Big Government has both the right and obligation to confiscate income earned is at present, with Government becoming more desperate for money, being won by Big Government advocates.  

….also from Michael: Rational Conversations versus Violent Confrontations


Rational Conversations versus Violent Confrontations


Our increasing culture of intolerance and disrespect is at the root of increasing social violence. When it comes to issues like minimum wage, Kinder Morgan Pipeline or Global Warming the chances of having polite, rational differences of opinion are remote. With the politicization of virtually every issue, we can’t be surprised when things turn nasty and violent. 

….also from Michael: The Problem With The Relentless Middle Class Message


You Can Ignore Economics But Economics Won’t Ignore You


Michael can’t think of a single special interest group leader, big Government advocate or politician whose stood up in in the last 10 years and said “the World has really changed, so I’ve changed my view on economics and finance.”  

…also from Mike: It’s Never Been Easier or Cheaper To Substitute Technology For Jobs


It’s Never Been Easier or Cheaper To Substitute Technology For Jobs


We are starting to see some research on the impact of a hike in minimum wage on jobs that can be replaced by technology. The conclusions aren’t pretty but its not too likely minimum wage advocates are going to change their tune.

….also Michael’s Mid-Week Update: “NAFTA Fatally Flawed

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The Iron Clad Stupidity of a Soft Drink Tax

A 1 1/2 cent per ounce tax on soft drinks promising to fund pre-kindergarten programs with the proceeds led to some very predictable outcomes. First, sales of soft drinks plunged, the revenue projected from the tax is down, big layoffs in soft drink producers and deliverers occurred, beer consumption rose and less than half the money raised went to pre-kindergarten programs!

….also from Michael: Trudeau Government Makes Hollow Demands
