Mike's Daily Comment

Why Won’t Canadians Scream ENOUGH!


The problems of waste and inefficiency continue year after year because Canadians are fine with a twitter account that costs 100K @ year, a small example of the Billions wasted every year without a Canadian outcry!

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Minimum Wage Demands Trigger Job Losses


Sharply raising the minimum wage is making the convenience and cost savings of technologies like Amazon’s “Go App” red hot. No Cashiers, you simply walk through the store, pick up items you want and walk out. 

….related from Michael: The Big Economic Lesson The Progressive Left Ignores

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Inequality is a Superficial Issue


Inequality is inevitable in any system that measures and rewards skills, talent and performance. Sadly, politics has turned inequality into resentment of other peoples achievements while hurting economic growth

….related from Mike: The Big Economic Lesson The Progressive Left Ignores



Undeserved Performance Bonuses at Your Expense


Public Sector Executives take performance bonuses for work the Auditor General criticizes. The rewards paid for the disastrous Phoenix Pay System will make you sick. That’s not all either…… 

….related from Michael: Ride Sharing? Nope, Gov’t Loves Tax Money Too Much


How Regular Canadians Would Benefit From Slashed Taxes


The evidence is in. The significant drop in Corporate Tax rates in the US is going to generate more tax revenue, jobs, capital investment and employee bonuses.


Tax reform prompts Apple to pay $38B tax bill to bring home $245B in foreign profits