Mike's Daily Comment

Dominated by Inconsistent Political Talk


When a donation to a political party exceeds that of a donation to the poor, you know Politicians aren’t concerned about the poor. But that is hardly the only inconsistent political speak, as Michael delightfully points out……

…..also from Michael: Canada’s Healthcare: Designed to Be The Worst

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ICBC: British Columbia’s Dumpster Fire


The political meddling that goes on in the Insurance Corporation of BC aggravated by the 23% jump crashes since 2013 simply means this government controlled entity is not going to surprise anyone when it raise rates

…related from Michael: It’s Cain Vs. Able: NDP Version


It’s Cain Vs. Able: NDP Version


Alberta’s Premier has missed the point. To the ideologically driven there is not such thing as “social license.” There will be no compromise on the Kinder Morgan expansion with opponents in the Green/NDP coalition government in BC. This is not about the law or the most cost effective to reduce emissions – or mother earth where the BC NDP is concerned. It’s survival politics. 

….also from Michael: Celebrities Take a Hit


Canada’s Manipulated By Foreign Money


With the recent news of the manipulations taking place in the US, Mike brings forward how much American money is influencing Canadian policy thanks to the mountain of money from US environmental groups. All at great cost to Canadians. 

….related from Michael: The Bad News Battle Between The BC & Alberta NDP


Canada’s Healthcare: Designed to Be The Worst

Despite 10’s of billions spent to reduce healthcare wait times, they are longer than ever and Canada’s Health System still ranks the lowest in the Western World. No surprise given the system is designed to make everyone wait. Everyone except priviledged Government or Union workers that is…

….also from Michael: Why Canada Sell Its Oil at a Discount
