Mike’s Big Fat Idea

Milton Friedman Rips Steel Tariffs

Milton made these bracing statements 40 years ago, now they’re relevant today. Tariffs always hurt the economy & consumers to satisfy a small group!

….also from Michael: 


A New Generation of Batteries

Mike speaks to Dan Blondal, a professional engineer with Nano One Materials (TSX-V:NNO) about the latest advances in Lithium Ion batteries

….also from Michael: A Bargain Hunters Dream


The Latest on Real Estate

Michael asks Kyle Green where the flow of investment $’s are going in real estate & what impact the new mortage rules have had.

….also from Michael: How to Generate More Income in Your RRSP


RRSP’s Do’s & Don’t

In this weeks Big Fat Idea Mike asks Andrew Ruhland what not to do, and the mindset you need to approach this investment & the first thing you should do.

….also from Michael: Victor Adair: The Market is Walking on Eggshells


How To Save Money on Taxes

Craig’s Burrows Big Fat Idea is to take advantage of one of the obscure tax credits that Governments have made available to citizens. Go to Triview Capital for more information or CLICK HERE to learn how VCCs work.

….also Michael’s Featured Guest: A Big Warning From One Of North America’s Top Analysts
