Mike's Daily Comment

Warning about Doing Business with the Communists in Hong Kong

While Canada sleeps the US recognizes the threat posed by China’s Communists’ ambitions with a warning that business beware but will they pay attention before it’s too late.

Politicians Pander to the Middle Class

But after a massive increase in housing and stock prices shooting Canadians wealth up by $2 trillion during the pandemic – is it time to focus on the vulnerable?

Failure of Socialism in Cuba

Some of our political and public sector elites disagree but Cubans have taken to the streets yelling Down with Communism – lack of basic necessities like food will make you do that.

Here Come The Promises

“Vote for me and we can all have a job…make that 2.” “No vote for me and you’ll have 3.” Sorry, but I don’t think I can take another round of campaign BS on jobs.

Entire Show – July 10th

It’s the #1 election issue for Canadians but that doesn’t mean it will be covered. Don’t miss Bob Hoye incredibly important warning about what’s going to happen to gold, stock and the dollar in the fall. Climate activists will be shocked by this week’s stat – plus the quote of the year in politics and a goofy that will infuriate some people – and they deserve it.