Mike's Daily Comment

No Questions Allowed

Innovation is born out of questioning the status quo, so cutting off debate on “settled” scientific, political or social views makes the opposite happen – stifles any chance for meaningful change.

Little Concern For First Time Home Buyers


One of the biggest lies that is told to the public is about the governments concern over affordable housing and first time home buyers.


Which do you think would enhance and strength our democracy more – give failing media outlets $600 million tax dollars or have politicians stop spinning every issue with misleading statements and at times, outright lies? 

Complete Show – September 8th


Mike talks about the triumph of the lazy while ace-oil analyst, Josef Schachter talks about the good, the bad and the ugly of the  Court of Appeals decision on the Kinder Morgan expansion. Plus Ozzie on the latest decline in real estate and goofy that will generate hate mail from the climate change crowd.