Interview of the Week

The Fed is Throwing Up Its Hands

Dr. Michael Berry shares some of the evidence he’ll be presenting to the US Federal Reserve. Dr. Berry of the Disruptive Discoveries Journal, is a sought after analyst on resource policy and investing. In this interview he makes sense of the dramatic moves post election, especially in fixed income and what the Fed is likely to do. Diversification right now is critical in his view.

…Michael’s Saturday Editorial: The Truth – Its Time to Blow It All Up

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Don Vialoux on Fascinating Markets

Don Vialoux lays out the upcoming cycle, seasonal and technical trends of markets including stocks, oil, gold and bonds.  With the Dow at an all-time high and the election of a pro-business President, Don describes some attractive investment and trading opportunities. He also explains why Canada is facing some challenges.

…also from Michael: The Main Investment Theme For the Next Decade

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Great Investment Ideas Delivered Superbly

This weeks featured guest is Dr. James E. Thorne is the Chief Capital Market Strategist of Caldwell Investment Management Ltd. Also the man who is so skilled at selecting and presenting ideas he has been chosen to be the keynote speaker kicking of the World Outlook Conference.

….also from Michael: The One Great Big Lesson From This Week’s Economic Update

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Tyler Bolhorn on the Markets Today

Michael interviews Tyler Bolhorn, who for one thinks that the US Markets have priced in a Fed rate increase, and is really cautious. Canada looks much better than the US. Tyler also covers computerized trading.

….Michael’s Editorial: The Blatant Media Bias



Tyler Bolhorn on the Markets Today

Michael interviews Tyler Bolhorn, who for one thinks that the US Markets have priced in a Fed rate increase, and is really cautious. Canada looks much better than the US. Tyler also covers computerized trading.

….Michael’s Editorial: The Blatant Media Bias
