Andy Preikschat, manager of the private Edgebrook Fund, released his annual mid-year letter to shareholders. He has been kind enough to share it with us this year, at the halfway point of his 30 year plan. Find out about his investment strategy as well as some of his recent buys and sells of Canadian listed companies in the fund. ~ MT Editor
At Edgebrook, we sit on the edge of a brook, patiently waiting to seize that big fish. What does a “big fish” look like? To us microcap investors, a “big fish” is a microcap company with all three of the following necessary criteria: #1 Market Leader in a niche category, with Incentivized Fanatics who won’t bamboozle us, with the potential to Grow Earnings (and the stock price) at least 3-5x over 3-5 years… CLICK to read the complete letter