Today’s TrendTRAKR for US Equities is now available.

Posted by Greg Weldon: Weldon's Money Monitor

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If you are interested in our TrendTRAKR for Canadian Equities (S&P/TSX60) or Australian Equities (S&P/ASX200), please email Eileen at and we’ll be sure to email them to you, daily, until they are available on our website or your trial period ends.  Our TrendTRAKRs for Metals & Energy Equities, Foreign Exchange and Fixed Income are all ‘soon to be released’.  Let us know if you’d like to be added to our ‘waitlist’ for their release.

For those new to our TrendTRAKR, please use the links below to view our Tutorials.
Tutorial I is an introduction to our TrendTRAKR tool with background on the development of our TMIs (Trend Momentum Indicators) and key definitions of terms. 
Tutorial II is a comprehensive walk thru of the four excel worksheets inside TrendTRAKR.
Printable Tutorial in pdf form, click here:
We hope you find these tutorials helpful in getting familiar with this powerful tool and we welcome any questions or comments.
Please click here and log into your account to access the latest publication from Weldon Financial.
Gregory T. Weldon