1. Michael for Prime Minister
I know there’s only a week left – but I’ve been watching and I really think I’m getting the hang of this political thing. I’ve even got a first draft of my campaign speech ready – and it goes like this….
2. Bob Hoye: “Precious On, Precious Off”
It is just one darned thing after another.
The September 17th ChartWorks called for gold to rally to 1145 to 1185 window. From the 1110 level the rise made it to 1156 on Thursday.
3. October Crashes, Collapses and Upheavals
“Is there a cycle — or combination of cycles — that, due to patterns deeply embedded in history, come together in the tenth month more often than mere chance would dictate?
Consider some of the most salient Octobers of the 20th and 21st centuries, and then make up your own mind”