The most successful investment strategy in the world

Posted by Tim Price via Simon Black's Sovereign Man

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2017 02 10 featured image

2017 02 10 featured imageEducation is a BIG part of a having a Plan B… especially when it comes to money.

In light of the obvious risks that we discuss on a regular basis, safeguarding (and growing) our savings is absolutely critical.

Finance can be a little bit scary and seem quite complicated at first.

No one comes out of the womb a financial expert. And they certainly don’t teach this stuff in a government-controlled public school system.

But just like speaking a foreign language or learning to drive, knowing how to properly manage money is a SKILL.

And it’s one that can be learned. By ANYONE.

The difference between knowing versus NOT knowing how to manage money can have an EXTRAORDINARY impact on your life.

Simply being able to generate an extra 1% to 2% annual return on your investments can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra wealth over 20-30 years.

As with any other skill, learning about finance takes some time and patience. But the reward is extraordinary.

I wanted to pass along an email today that highlights key characteristics of the world’s most successful long-term investment strategy.

It was written by my friend and colleague Tim Price, a UK-based wealth manager who is a disciplined master of “value investing”.

This strategy is absolutely worth understanding. Learning it can truly have an enormous impact on your life.

— From Tim: —

Successful investing involves having an edge.

And if you do not know what your edge is, you do not have one.

So which investment strategy actually works?

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