The Long Wave Versus the Printing Press: Another 2008?

Posted by John Rubino - Marc Faber

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Marc Faber of the Gloom Boom Doom Report was interviewed by Bloomberg on Friday, and of course topic number one was the brutal takedown of gold. Not all that surprisingly, he likes the resulting buying opportunity and expects “a major low in gold within the next two weeks.”

More interesting from a theoretical/historical point of view was his segue from gold to the state of the global economy:

“Today we have commodities breaking down including gold and we have bonds rallying very strongly. If you just stand aside and just look at these two events they would suggest that there are strongly deflationary pressures in the system.”

The following chart illustrates Faber’s point. Gold is the downward-trending blue line and long-term Treasury bonds are the upward-trending green line; bonds up, gold down is clearly a deflationary picture:


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