The End Is Near & It’s Going To Be Awesome

Posted by Kyle Smith - Forbes Magazine

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images-3“all politics ultimately comes down to violence — armed men paying you a visit to make sure you comply”

Ed Note: The quote above caught my attention given the Department of Homeland Security is presently under investigation for its plans to buy more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next four or five years. This massive purchase coming on top of the 360,000 rounds of hollow point bullets (made illegal on the battlefield in the 1899 Hague Convention) and the 1.5 billion rounds of ammo it already bought in 2012. 

It sure seems the Department of Homeland Security is getting ready for something involving a lot of heavy gunfire. Kevin Williamson thinks it is going to be “The End”. The “End” of Society as we know it and he describes what it’s going to look like his book on the right.

Where Kevin probably differs with absolutely everyone who lifts a pen and writes about the USA’s financial straits, is that he thinks “The End” is going to be Awesome and that America going broke will ultimately leave America Richer, Happier and more Secure!

Is The End Near, And Will It Be Awesome?

…….read more HERE