The Best Investment This Year

Posted by Brianna Panzica via Energy & Capital

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eacIn case you missed them, here are the week’s most popular articles from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily.

10x Fracking Profits: Explosive Drilling Technology
When oil companies begin using this technology in the Bakken, their profits will instantly skyrocket.

Bloom Energy IPO 2013: This IPO Will Soar on Cheap Natural Gas
Even if it’s not an energy breakthrough, cheap natural gas makes the economics work. And it will benefit this IPO.

Bakken Breakout: Shedding Light on the Latest Bakken Assessment
Keith Kohl sheds some light on the latest USGS assessment of the Bakken oil play.

Is DOW 22,000 Coming?: This Chart Says Yes
The Dow has the potential to 22,000. That’s not speculation on my part; it’s based on a simple reading of the charts… and once I show you the chart, I think you’ll agree with me.

Best 2013 Investment: Hint: It’s NOT Stocks
When you see the profits being made by investors taking advantage of this hot market, you’ll want to join them.

A Brief History of New Zealand Oil: New Shale Discovery “Literally Leaking Oil and Gas”
Geologists have discovered at least 300 spots where oil and gas are bubbling at the surface.

Partnering with Wal-Mart’s Landlord: How to Get Checks from the Retail Giant
It’s possible for the average investor to get a slice of the rent check from major retailers, and it costs as little as $29.

The Next Kent State Massacre: How the FBI Murdered 4 Americans in 13 Seconds!
If we have learned anything from the Kent State massacre, it’s that we should not allow it to happen again. 

Dow 20,000: The Next Big Number is Not Much of a Reach
All major U.S. stock market indices are hitting new highs. It makes one think Dow 20,000 isn’t all that far off…

China Buys Gold: China Gold Buying Hits New Record
The running dog capitalists in China have been buying up record amounts of gold. Christian DeHaemer tells readers why.

China’s Reign Ends: Manufacturing Industry Returns to the United States
A single, innovative technology is considered the key to bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. And though it may sound far-off, its use is already widespread.

SunPower (NASDAQ: SPWR) Graphene Investing: The Secret to Solar Profits
There are two ways you can make money in solar. SunPower has figured out one. I’ll show you the other. 

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