The 3 Top Articles Of The Week

Posted by Money Talks Editor

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martinarmstrong1. The Worlds Top Forecaster, Reputation 2nd to None On The Markets & The US Electlon

  by Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong on the moves he expects in the Stock, Bond, Gold and Currency markets. Martins model’s US election forecast, and when the nearby move up will begin from the current 5000 year interest rate lows. 

…read more HERE

2. Shelter BEFORE the storm

   by Andrew Ruhland

In 2008, many investors were either caught unaware of the systemic risks, or chose to ignore warnings of a major market crash. The financial pain from that (passive or active) decision to do nothing was profound; pain burns deep emotional scars that can be difficult to reverse. The theme of this article is simple: don’t make the same mistake again.

…..continue reading HERE

3. Hot Properties: Government Blows Up Canada’s Hottest Industry

   by Michael Campbell & Ozzie Jurock

This is what happens when government doesn’t understand markets as sales numbers for Vancouver to October 21st has condo’s down 53% & single family homes down 77%! Thank you foreign buyers tax and Canada’s Mortgage rule changes. Where to from here for Canada’s strongest industry?

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