Take the Plunge with Ozzie and Mike

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“Yes, it’s that time of year again – in what’s become an instant classic – Ozzie Jurock and Michael Campbell are back for another polar plunge on behalf of the individuals and families of Special Olympics. And they’re doing it with a wrinkle – this year they’re both wearing lederhosen. Let that visual sink in for a moment…on second thought don’t.”
~ Horse and Hound Magazine

Let me set the record straight. Yes, the Guinness Book of Records calls me “The World’s Biggest Cold Water Wimp” but this year I’ve promised Ozzie I’m going to cut down on the tears, I’m not making any promises on the whimpering though. Truth be told it’s already too late. The countdown for the plunge this Sunday March 6th has already begun – and I think we all know that whining is just a hop, skip and jump to full scale whimpering.

But as Ozzie says, while it’s exasperating, it’s worth putting up with what he calls my histrionics for a great cause. (I call it my enthusiasm).

Especially given that too often children and adults with intellectual disabilities like Down Syndrome, autism and Fragile X are the forgotten people in our neighbourhoods and communities.

But it’s more than that. Too often people with intellectual disabilities live in isolation, and the pandemic made it far worse. In normal times Special Olympics provides the only connection to the community at large for many of them. It’s where they make friends. As one of our athletes said, “before I joined Special Olympics I didn’t know there were other people like me.”

Not surprisingly, the pandemic and the protocols made the task that much more difficult. Some would say impossible, but the Special O staff did an amazing job creating individual programs and group zoom calls to reach out and stay connected to help fill the void.

It’s not often we can change people’s lives, bring such joy and help create friendships where none existed before.

My wish – if everyone who listens to MoneyTalks and follows us on social media donates just $20 (or more) we’ll make a massive difference.  Most people don’t see it as their problem, so they don’t get around to it, but my experience is that many in the MoneyTalks audience are different and will take the opportunity to help this group of wonderful and deserving people.

By the way you get a tax receipt – so for most of us the cost of $20 donation is only just $15 after the tax deduction. For $100 it’s only $67.

The link to donate is HERE – please take a moment now – it takes only a minute to help improve the lives of some wonderful and deserving people.


Ozzie and Mike are plunging March 6th