Six steps not to miss when buying an investment property

Posted by Oliver Limcangco - Canadian Real Estate Magazine

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Investment property

Investment propertyReal estate investor Oliver Limcangco is finally living the dream after achieving financial freedom through his property portfolio. In a regular posting, the 31-year old shares his insights into how he acquired 26 doors and manages it all while travelling abroad.
You’ve read the books. You’ve gone to the seminars. You’ve talked to all your family and friends about it. You have your Realtor, lawyer, accountant, handyman, and property manager ready, and you’ve prepped them well. 

Now you’re ready and raring to go – you’re going to buy your FIRST investment property. But before you pull the trigger, make sure you understand the following, and implement them in your project plan to ensure your purchase’s timely and successful completion.

  1. Financing pre-approval. First things first: you can’t buy a property if the bank won’t lend you money. Without financing, there’s no point in making that first phone call or viewing that first property. You will waste your time, but more importantly, you will waste your team’s time. Since most of your team works on commission, hitting this roadblock three weeks into the property search will equate to their wasted time after they’ve invested all those hours with you. Guess what happens to your phone call the next time you try to reach out to them.

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