Only 2 Events Matter In The Coming Week

Posted by Eric Parnell - Gerring Wealth Management

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It was a time not all that long ago that all of the attention in the coming week would be focused on one thing and one thing only in corporate earnings. And with a large number of major companies scheduled to report their quarterly results over the next few days, it should be the primary thing to which most investors should be paying attention. However, the post crisis market environment no longer seems to care all that much about fundamentals. Sure, it still makes a difference on a stock specific level, but the eyes of investors on the most part are now focused elsewhere. Instead, it is now all about monetary stimulus and the words of key policy makers. And it will be two key events over the next several days that have the potential to send the market swinging wildly along the way.

Act 1: China GDP

The first key event takes place on Sunday night before the U.S. markets open on Monday morning. This is the release of China’s second quarter GDP data.

Screen shot 2013-07-14 at 5.48.50 PM… more about China & Act 2: HERE