One Of The Most Terrifying Predictions For The Year 2014

Posted by Michael Pento via King World News

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shapeimage 22Today one of the top economists in the world spoke with King World News about one of the most terrifying predictions for the year 2014.  This is an incredibly powerful interview where he discusses his frightening prediction and what this will mean for global markets.  An audio interview has now been released from KWN where Michael Pento, founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies, speaks about this terrifying situation. 

Pento:  “It’s actually comical that after 5-years of telling the market that QE is all about pushing interest rates lower, particularly long-term interest rates, now they (the Fed) are doing backflips and trying to say that ending QE isn’t going to cause interest rates to rise.  Let me just go back into a speech that Bernanke gave last year in Jackson Hole…..

“This is a quote from Ben Bernanke, ‘The Federal Reserve’s long and large scale purchases have significantly lowered long-term Treasury yields.’  Did you get that?  The Federal Reserve’s large scale purchases, their QE program, by the way they are on QE4 right now since they announced this program in March of 2009, they have ‘significantly,’ not my words, his words, ‘significantly lowered long-term Treasury yields.’

And now they are trying to propagandize, lie, obfuscate, and confuse the market into telling you you are so stupid not to remember what they’ve been telling you for 5-years:  That their manipulation of interest rates and counterfeiting and printing money hasn’t worked.  But it has.  It has lowered interest rates on the long-end of the yield curve.

And now they are threatening to stop doing it because they (feel) can’t do it any longer.  They can’t stand the fact that they have counterfeited $4 trillion worth of credit and money.  It hurts them (their credibility).  They really feel uncomfortable doing it, but they can’t stop.  They’re trapped.

They are trying to get out of QE, but the exit door is blocked by soaring Treasury yields, (what will be) plummeting equity prices, another real estate crisis, skyrocketing US sovereign debt service payments, massive currency disruptions, and a deflationary depression.  That’s what lies on the other side of year, after year, after year of money printing, credit creation, counterfeiting, and interest rate manipulation. 

There is no exit.  There is no easy exit, and that’s why they are delaying the tapering, Eric.  Do you ever wonder why they didn’t do it in September, when the market was ready for it?  It’s because the 10-Year Note went from 1.5% to (roughly) 3% in just a few weeks.

If the Fed goes ahead and tapers, interest rates go to 4% on the 10-Year (Note), and all of the things I just mentioned occur, and we’re back into a deflationary depression.  I believe that would cause them to institute a permanent state of QE.  That’s where we’re headed, Eric.  That’s what 2014 has in store for you.”


IMPORTANT – This is one of Michael Pento’s greatest and most important audio interviews ever.  It’s available now and you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE.

Michael Pento: President & Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies and the author of “The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market”

To order from Amazon CLICK HERE.

Michael Pento: President & Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies and the author of

“The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market”

To order from Amazon CLICK HERE.