Oil & Real Estate: 2 Fortune Making Markets

Posted by Victor Adair Hosts Money Talks

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Keith Schaefer talks about prospering in the Energy Markets Worldwide & about LNG bonanza that is happening in Northern BC during the first 1/2 hour of Money Talks below. Keith is the author of the Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin


Ozzie Jurock, a master himself answers some very pointed questions about mastering Real Estate, one of the great fortune making markets .


Victor Adair stands in as this weeks Money Talks host as Michael Campbell is taking a well deserved day off.

Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 2.15.09 PMSpindletop–the gusher on the right marked the emergence of the oil industry at a time when the automobile and other industries were experiencing rapid growth.

Spindletop marked the birth date of the modern petroleum industry. At 100,000 barrels of oil a day, the gusher tripled U.S. oil production overnight. Some of the companies chartered to exploit the wealth of Spindletop, such as Gulf Oil and Texaco, are part of today’s Chevron Corporation.

….more on Spindletop HERE