No Way Has the Silver Market Peaked

Posted by David Morgan -

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Silver hit $806.00 500 Yrs ago, in the Year 1477 as seen on this 650 year Silver Chart (Ed Note: Click HERE or on the image for a larger view)
There is plenty of data that the silver spike toward $50 last year was it for the silver market. Don’t be fooled, we heard the same thing in 2008 after silver had hit the $21+ level and during the depths of the financial crash silver sold near the $9 level. While many were throwing in the towel and admitting utter defeat we said…
BUY, BUY, and BUY some more – sometimes just the power of conviction is all that is needed. The conviction to stay the course and buy when FEAR was in the silver market!
When gold had dipped, silver was at the buy of a lifetime…it was silver investing that could make you rich!

Think about it, buying silver near $9 and selling near $48 would yield great returns. Those who jumped in near the bottom received almost five times their money without any leverage at all. . 

Silver-Price(Ed Note: Click HERE or on the image for a larger view)

What was so interesting is how much more money will be made in this sector but many that read this far will NOT invest. They will think the market is too far along in the bull progression and therefore they have missed the majority of the move.

It used to be one of my mantras – “If there is only one thing to teach you about the upcoming silver bull market it is this90% of the move comes in the last 10% of the time!”

Think about that statement—Would you be happy to capture 90% of any market move? What this means is you could just now be waking up the precious metals and build your wealth even starting at what appears as— this late date.

What if the entire precious metals bull market hits the average 17 year cycle. Since gold bottomed for this cycle in 2000 it would suggest that 2017 for the top. A full five years from today. If the last year or so of this market is the most explosive and gold explodes and you are along for the big gains in the blow-off phase how would you feel?

Now is the market really going to make the majority of the move in the last year, let alone 90%? Probably not, however think about the facts you already know, look at the housing bubble the most excitement and largest gains happened going into the top, the last few months of the move. Think about the technology stocks bubble, the Japan bubble, or any other market. This simply is market behavior!

However, this time is different—Why?

Because this time it will not be about being a smart real estate investor, or understanding that technology is leading the growth cycle, or the Japanese have a more efficient system. It will be about the one word I seldom use—FEAR…

Yes, you and many throughout the world will be concerned that you don’t have enough money for retirement…

Or concerned  that your pension will not be there? Or concerned your employer cannot meet his obligations? Concerned that the Dollar, Euro, Yen, or any government script will be worth tomorrow what it is today?

Worried that the system truly is cracking up and plans that you made based on solid evidence a decade ago are invalid and you need to take action into your own hands instead of relying on your financial planner, stock broker, defined benefit package or even the safety net provided by the governments at large.

When that shift takes place, that tipping point, when just enough people on a global basis collectively say, we are mad and we are not going to take it any more therefore we are moving into the precious metals. Once this happens look out the buying frenzy will be upon us, many have heard there is no fever like gold fever, this may be true, but bear in mind there is nothing close to a silver bull market! – Not a thing—nothing because silver shines the light of truth about the corrupt financial system better than gold because more people own it!

How high can silver go?

And as we brace ourselves for the final chapter of a U.S. dollar currency crisis…silver has a long way to go.

Let’s take a look at history. In 1980, as the nation was still reeling from the Carter-era inflation and investors were buying up precious metals…silver peaked at $52 an ounce. Adjusted for inflation, that’s about $143 today!

Those who get in now will be richly rewarded…and can get a lot more for their money.

by David Morgan

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