Marc Faber: I don’t hear about gold

Posted by Marc Faber

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I lived through the last gold bubble between 1978 and January 1980.  The whole world, whether you were in the Middle  East or in Asia or Europe or in America was trading London gold, buying and  selling every day,” he recalls.  “This has not happened yet, and it hasn’t  happened.  Your friends, the deflationists, have been telling people that  gold will collapse to $200 an ounce for the last 10 years and that’s it was in a  bubble.
[They] said it [gold] was in a bubble at $500; they said it at $600, and  they’re still maintaining it.  So a lot of people they don’t own it; they  bought it and sold it again.  But in the meantime, gold has moved into solid  hands.


US can fall and rise or head to July highs and crash

Faber: “I do not think that the market is as over bought as it was in 1987. So I do not expect a crash, but I think for the time being the market has peaked out. And I think that in the meantime, bonds which are extremely oversold could rebound,” “Either we have a correction now and then we go up further, or we go straight up into a high in July-August from where we could crash. So, I welcome a correction here.” “The market has now become quite overbought and that there is very significant or over-extended bullish sentiment. Everybody says sell bonds, buy equities. And when everybody thinks alike, one has to be careful. If we have a correction of 10%, I wouldn’t necessarily buy into the market. I would watch the rebound because I think there is a very great chance that the rebound will fail to make a new high,” – in a recent interview with money Control.

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