For Dads & Grads

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Assuming your recent high school or university grad already has their copy of Dr. Seuss’ Oh the Places You’ll Go, might we suggest a graduation gift that offers some more tangible benefits? Like a one year subscription to Michael Campbell’s Inside Edge Service.

The Inside Edge offers your kids and grandkids exclusive investing insights, recommendations and forecasts from some of the English-speaking world’s top financial analysts. New contributions appear regularly PLUS it includes access to an incredible archive of investing ideas. All for only $199 for the whole year. CLICK HERE for a sample.

And that’s not all. Michael has added even more exclusive content and access in 2021. Starting next month, Michael Campbell will host a quarterly series of Q & A sessions where subscribers can get answers to the issues most important to them, and their fellow Inside Edgers.

And still more. The Inside Edge will also include no-holds barred, exclusive, one-on-one conversations between Michael and select guests. The first one this summer – the “world’s highest paid financial analyst” Mr. Martin Armstrong.

And one last bonus. Our friends at Border Gold are providing a collectible, 10oz Silver coin to be won by a lucky Inside Edge subscriber in a draw held on Father’s Day. And if you haven’t already got your Dad a gift – get him a subscription too!!

CLICK HERE to order – and make it a graduation they will remember.