Jim Rogers, the investor who foresaw the start of a commodity rally in 1999, said he is “extremely optimistic” about investing in water amid a scarcity of supply in countries from India to the U.S.
“If you can find ways to invest in water, you will be extremely rich because we do have a serious water problem in many parts of the world like India, China, the southwestern part of the U.S., and west of the Red Sea,” Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, told reporters at his home in Singapore today.
The world’s growing food demand will create a progressive shortage in supplies, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Water used in farming will rise 70 to 90 percent through 2050 as food demand doubles over the same period in emerging countries, Pasquale Steduto, principal officer of the FAO’s water development and management unit, said in March.
“There are some companies out there that clean and transport water,” Rogers said, adding that he has owned shares in Singapore’s water-treatment company, Hyflux Ltd. (HYF), for a few years. “Find one with good management and invest in it and you’ll be rich.”
Remarkably Jim Rogers is Michaels Money Talks Guest this weekend April 27th, and he wouldn’t if he wasn’t aware of the respect Micheal Campbell endgenders.
Rogers first rose to fame when In a short 10 years Rogers Quantum Fund gained an astonishing 4200% vs the S&P 500’s gain of 50% during the same time period.
So be sure to tune in to CKNW or listen on the Money Talks Website to hear what he has to tell you and Michael in this exclusive Saturday interview beginning at 8:30 am PST.
To contact the reporter on this story: Chou Hui Hong in Singapore at chong43@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Alexander Kwiatkowski atakwiatkowsk2@bloomberg.net