We’re all feeling the pinch as prices soar on everything from groceries, to gas, to bigger ticket items like cars and real estate. Mike taps our favourite conservative investor, Houston-based Lance Roberts, for some thoughts on how investors can turn these circumstances in their favour. Plus Kyle Green with some must-hear advice for anyone looking at an upcoming mortgage commitment, renewal and even those looking to blend and extend. Ozzie on the backlash on Operation Squeezes housing tax recommendation, Victor from the Trading desk and much, much more.
January 15th Episode
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I know Mike is a very solid investor and respect his opinions very much. So if he says pay attention to this or that - I will.
~ Dale G.
I've started managing my own investments so view Michael's site as a one-stop shop from which to get information and perspectives.
~ Dave E.
Michael offers easy reading, honest, common sense information that anyone can use in a practical manner.
~ der_al.
A sane voice in a scrambled investment world.
~ Ed R.
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Josef Schachter
Tyler Bollhorn
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Victor Adair