I promise not to keep hounding you but I also appreciate that sometimes life gets too hectic and things get overlooked. And this is simply too important.
I’ve asked for your help with Special Olympics in the past – but this year is different. Not just because we have added another 450 plus children and adults with intellectual disabilities, but also because we have seen two major sponsors move to the United States. And that leaves a significant hole in Special Olympics ability to deliver a range of programs. From Active Start – for little ones as young as two years old – to our healthy athlete program that fills the gap for people with intellectual disabilities in our healthcare system.
Healthcare by the way is a big story unto itself. Most people assume that people with Down Syndrome, Microcephaly and other intellectual disabilities get the same level of healthcare as the rest of the public. Unfortunately, they’re mistaken.
Let me give you one quick example. In the last medical screening we did at the provincial games we found that 25% of our athletes have eye sight problems, 36% needed follow up dental care and 77% had foot and leg problems that required further medical attention.
I am sure that ignoring the unique problems associated with the diagnosis of people with intellectual disabilities is not done on purpose but it has happened nonetheless and Special Olympics goes a long way to rectify this massive inequity.
I’m not going to keep going on. Besides my writing’s simply not good enough to do justice to how deserving these athletes and their families are of our support. As a parent and grandparent I couldn’t be more happy to help and I hope you will too.
As the Chair of the Newmont Goldcorp Invitational Golf Tournament I’m asking individuals and business to purchase $1500 Tee Sponsorships (which include your signage on a hole and are 100% business expense deductable) or sponsor our “Adopt an Athlete” program (and it’s a fully tax deductible.) But that’s not all – we also need quality Auction Items for our online auction.
If you or someone you know can help please let us know. Nothing but good will come from it. Please feel free to contact Mark Longhurst in my office for more information and details. He can be reached at mark@mikesmoneytalks.ca or 604.505.3341.
Thanks for your time,