Has the oil market changed forever?

Posted by Michael Campbell

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New report says US can be self sufficient within 5 years. What does it mean for oil prices and stock.

Find out this Saturday on Money Talks with one of North America’s top oil analysts, Josef Schachter, Schachter Asset Management

U.S. to Be World’s Top Oil Producer in 5 Years

The US will overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading oil producer by about 2017 and will become a net oil exporter by 2030, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

….read whole article HERE


Growing supplies of crude extracted through new technology including hydraulic fracturing of underground rock formations will transform the U.S. into the largest producer for about five years starting about 2020, the Paris-based adviser to 28 nations said today in its annual World Energy Outlook.

…..read whole article HERE

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