Bernanke Now Holds The Entire World Hostage after Injecting Foreign Banks With Over $1 Trillion In Cash…
BOK KIM (The central bank chief of Asia’s fourth-largest economy) SAYS WORLD MAY FACE RATE RISK IF U.S. EXITS FROM QE
There you have it: if the Fed exits, the world (and most certainly Japan) gets it. Thus, for the sake of the children (who will have inhert about $100 trillion in debt (but don’t worry: debt is an asset as some “analysts” will promise) Bernanke can never exit. QE…D
“We can’t say the crisis is very near an end yet but we’re in a process of wrapping it up gradually,” Bank of Korea Governor Kim Choong Soo said at a meeting with economists inSeoul today. He didn’t refer to Cyprus, where lawmakers yesterday rejected a levy on bank deposits as part of a financial bailout of the nation.
….read more HERE (BOK Governor Kim Says Global Crisis May Have Entered Final Stage)